Saturday, September 13, 2008

TIFF Day 8

First off was Hooked, by Adrian Sitaru. Hooked is the story of a couple's day in the country that is changed when they accidentally hit a prostitute. When they find out (while trying to dump the body!) that she is not dead, the situation becomes even more complicated than it already was.

The film has a good script, with some great dialogue and ideas. The actors do a good job as well, especially the actress playing the prostitute. However, the film's gimmick is that it is all shot on handicam from the POV of whoever isn't talking in the scene. This leads to some quick pans as "the camera" turns its head this way and that. While I'm not against using handicam-style shots, this time it got very annoying and tiresome, taking focus away from the film itself and concentrating it on the shaky and wildly swinging camera.

The second film was American Swing, by Matthew Kaufman and John Hart. A documentary about Plato's Retreat, the notorious sex club in NYC, the film features reminiscences by patrons and friends of the owner, Larry Levenson. The anecdotes are refreshingly frank, and along with period footage, tell and show just what went on in the club. Very well done, and very funny.

Tomorrow (last day!): It Might Get Loud and Chocolate

1 comment:

Steve Lalanne said...

About Hooked: Were you similarly annoyed by the camerawork of The Blair Witch Project or Cloverfield?