Saturday, August 30, 2008

Freak Magnet

The other day, going to work, I got on the bus and proceeded to sit down in the back half of the bus. As I sat down, I heard strange "huffing" noises coming from across the aisle. Looking over, I noticed that the person sitting opposite me was doing some sort of "excercise" by holding on to the rail on the back of the seat in front of him and quickly pulling himself forward. He was doing this with some vigor, and seemed to be serious about his "workout" (Cheaper than a gym membership, I guess). This "workout" (with sound effects) went on for about 10 minutes until I heard the noises change. I had been looking out the window in the opposite direction in order not to laugh, but I slowly turned my head in his direction, looking out the corner of my eye at him to see what he was doing now. I almost lost it at this point, because he was throwing punches (at the air) and making sounds like you hear in poorly dubbed martial arts flicks. It was all I could do not to laugh out loud, because he was concentrating so intently on beating up the air in front of him. I expected him to make Bruce Lee noises, but thankfully he didn't, or I don't think I would have been able to keep the laughter inside.

I tend to attract people like this. This guy at least seemed harmless, but I don't know what would have happened if I had started laughing.

1 comment:

Steve Lalanne said...

Maybe ghost-boxing is the new shadow-boxing.